Fulgence Charpentier

Jerry Grey

BIRTH PLACE Vancouver, British Columbia
MEDIUM Pastel on paper
DATE 1997-2000
DIMENSIONS 49.84cm x 64.8cm
ACCESSION NUMBER 2000.01.01a-b
CREDIT LINE Collection of the Ottawa Art Gallery: purchased with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Assistance program, Glen A. Bloom and OAG's Art Rental and Sales Service Volunteers, 2000
A two portraits from the neck up of the same figure. The first is in colour, against a green background. The second is in black and white. The figure is very wrinkled, has short grey-white hair and is wearing a collared shirt with a dark neck tie. In both images they are looking at the viewer. In the black and white portrait the figure has their right hand raised to their right cheek.

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