
Welcome to our online collections! Explore our holdings and discover more about these artworks by a variety of Canadian and Ottawa-Gatineau based creators.

Since our founding in 1988, we have collected and cared for artwork connected to the Ottawa-Gatineau region as a record of its makers and their creative practices.

Our growing collection has been built by many hands including our directors, curators, and collections managers as well as our board, donors, funders, volunteers, and community members.

Here you can explore the collections online, searching through the artwork and discovering more about them.

As a publicly-funded institution, these are your collections, so we hope that you are inspired to investigate the artworks here online, and then come and see them when they are exhibited at the gallery.

Not everything you find here will be on display, but get in touch if you wish to arrange an appointment to view something or have more information about one of the artworks.

OAG is open from 10 AM to 6 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday | from 10 AM to 9 PM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Admission is always FREE. PA Day and Summer Art Camp Registration Now Open!