The Fish in the Water are Thirsty: Untitled (Fishing)

Lorraine Gilbert

BIRTH PLACE Moselle, Grostenquin, France

Ottawa-based Photographyer Lorraine Gilbert's series The Fish in the Water are Thirsty began when she became part owner of a home in the Laurentians, out of which she collaboratively ran the Boreal/Art Nature Artist-Run center and its residencies. The series is a close observation of that land and its changing seasons. Known for her Photographys of British Columbia's forest industry, here we see a different relationship with nature, where nature is not wild but enculturated.

MEDIUM Chromogenic print on paper
DATE 1992 - 1998
DIMENSIONS 96.2cm x 75.2cm
CREDIT LINE Collection of the Ottawa Art Gallery: purchased with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Assistance program, Glen A. Bloom, OAG's Acquisition Endowment Fund and OAG's Art Rental and Sales Service Volunteers, 2001
An outdoor photograph of a garden overlooking a river and a densely treed shoreline in the background. A figure is fishing on a dock in the middle ground, and there is a shadow of a standing figure on the shrubbery and flowers in the foreground.

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