nichola feldman-kiss
How does our clothing connect us to others throughout time? In her body of work called rest, Toronto-based multidisciplinary artist nichola feldman-kiss documents a series of performances developed after she received a vintage cocktail wardrobe previously belonging to Thelma Cullingham, the late mother of an acquaintance. This image of a crumpled paisley jacket is part of a series of 29 Photographys that document one performance developed around these garments, in which feldman-kiss methodically tried on and took off each item of clothing, Photographying each one after its removal. Through her garments from the 1960s and 70s, feldman-kiss builds a connection with Thelma, a woman otherwise unknown to her, and presents a reflective meditation on the body, absence, and what we leave behind.
50 Mackenzie King Bridge, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 0C5, CANADA
Mailing Address: 10 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1N 6E2 | Rideau O-Train Station
OAG is Open from 10 AM to 6 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday | from 10 AM to 9 PM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Admission is always FREE. Book your event at OAG!