Nude Male Figures with Squid (Rêves de la mer Series)


BIRTH PLACE Niagara Falls, Ontario
MEDIUM Colour photo copy covered by a second colour photo copy on paper
DATE 1980
DIMENSIONS 21.6cm x 35.6cm
CREDIT LINE Collection of the Ottawa Art Gallery: gift of Glenn McInnes and Barbara McInnes, C.M., 2011
A photocollage featuring a copper hued nude figure. They are stretched out vertically in the image, facing the viewer, their arms crossed above their head with their forehead resting on a forearm. They are wearing a white shirt that is open all the way, with the sleeves rolled up. There are impressions on their skin like they are being photographed while pressed against glass. Behind them is a hortizontal rectangle, with an animal (squid) on the left side. There is a green wash over the rectangle.

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