Eye to Eye

Juan Geuer

BIRTH PLACE Soest, Holland
DEATH PLACE Almonte, Ontario
MEDIUM Metal and wire
DATE 1993
ACCESSION NUMBER 2013.04.12a-ggg
CREDIT LINE Collection of the Ottawa Art Gallery: gift of Else Geuer-Vermeij, 2013.
A photograph of an interactive installation consists of face shaped mirrors suspended by metal wire at different eye levels in a beige walled room. The mirrored faces are long oblong silhouettes with ears; the eyes and a vertical rectangular center are cut out, allowing the viewer to look through the eyeholes. In this photo still of the installation there are two foreground figures with short hair, bent forward face to face, looking at each other through one of the mirrored faces. Another figure is pictured in the background, their face hidden by a mirrored face.

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