Self-Portrait with Figures and Text

Gerald Trottier

BIRTH PLACE Ottawa, Ontario
DEATH PLACE Ottawa, Ontario
MEDIUM Watercolour on paper
DATE 1993
DIMENSIONS 73cm x 51.4cm
CREDIT LINE Collection of the Ottawa Art Gallery: gift of Irma Trottier, 2017
The image depicts a watercolour sketch with multiple figures and text components.Central to the image is a self-portrait painted in 3/4 profile facing the left. The artist is peering over thick-framed glasses with a questioning glance focused in the direction of the viewer. He is wearing a light mauve collared shirt with a black pattern (clothing). Adjacent to the portrait on the right side are three smaller figures: a jester, king and a beggar. Above the artist's shoulder are some simple pictograph-like drawings. In the background on the left, there are more smaller-scale figures: four nude figures posing freely in the upper left corner, two nude figures standing face-to-face in the bottom left corner, figures holding signs and a balloon-like object, and a cartoon-like sketch of figures with the words "sex" and "dialogue" worked into them. Handwritten lines of text surround the figures in some areas of the background.

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