
Martin Golland

BIRTH PLACE Montpellier, France

What do you see when you look at this work by Ottawa-based artist Martin Golland? In this semi-abstract painting titled Etagere (2012), the lines between real and fictional space are blurred. Here, the suggestion of a boardwalk, empty shelves, and architectural shapes meld together to create a dynamic imagined environment. Drawing on a wide variety of painting techniques and an interest in collage, Golland’s artistic practice engages with the history of painting and his work invites viewers to look closely.

MEDIUM Oil on canvas
DATE 2012
DIMENSIONS 152.4cm x 274.3cm x 4.4cm
CREDIT LINE Collection of the Ottawa Art Gallery: gift of the artist, 2018
A painting of an imagined urban building landscape with various architectural elements. In the top left corner a large cube-shaped frame sits at the top of a thin tree and is connected to unfinished beige beams of a second story floor. Next to the tree in the middle of the page is a grey beam box structure that extends from the left background to the right foreground. The left foreground has a flattened perspective combining different planes of grey-brown wood decking boards. The top 2/3 of the background is made up of a baby blue sky with pink accents in the center

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