consensus•EXIL: Carla Whiteside

Texts by Susan Douglas; artist interview by Jean-François Renaud

In Carla Whiteside's consensus•EXIL, language and landscape are fields of knowledge, critical spaces where bodies and texts are suspended, superimposed, translated: spaces where mind and body can in myriad ways be re-formed. A realization of a large-scale in situ installation that situated the presented works in the context of a ten-year practice, Whiteside’s installation in the OAG’s main gallery is representative of a mappa mundi, or territory conjured up by rich textures and contrasting tones. This accompanying publication features Jean-François Renaud’s interview with the artist, and text by Susan Douglas that explores the connection between language and landscape.

Published Year: 1995
Additional Information:

108 pp; softcover
Col + b/w ill.; 7.5 x 5.5 in

Cost: $20.00
This publication is available for purchase in the OAG shop.

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