History of Art and Artists from Ottawa and Surroundings, 1790 - 1970; Part II: 1880 – 1945

Text by Jim Burant

This catalogue was published in conjunction with the Ottawa Art Gallery’s second exhibition conceived to offer a vivid reminder of the work of artists who contributed to the visual history of the Ottawa region. Representative of the second exhibition in a three part series, this publication details the period from 1880 to 1945. With original text by Jim Burant, this volume links the historical and the modern, and rediscovers several early works by a number of Canada's well-known practicing artists. 

Published Year: 1994
Additional Information:

71 pp; softcover
B/w ill.; 11 x 7.5 in

Cost: $8.00
This publication is available for purchase in the OAG shop.

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