Inventing a Homeland

Texts by Philip Fry, and Louis Cummins

Trevor Gould is concerned with mental geography and inhabitation. In South Africa, his place of birth and early youth, a "homeland" is a circumscribed area assigned by white authority to black inhabitants much as indigenous peoples in Canada are consigned to artificial communities or reservations. Gould begs the question: Do we think that people, whether the colonized or the colonizers, can really be at home in such a situation? With a full-colour catalogue, and essays by Philip Fry and Louis Cummins, this publication explores Gould’s artistic practice and recent works presented at the Ottawa Art Gallery. 

Published Year: 1993
Additional Information:

96 pp; softcover
Col. + b/w ill.; 9 x 11 in
ISBN 1-895108-09-8

Cost: $25.00
This publication is available for purchase in the OAG shop.

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