Jinny Yu: To Activate Space

Texts by Mark A. Cheetham, Penny Cousineau-Levine, and Ola Wlusek

Co-published with Éditions Art Mûr, this monograph of Jinny Yu’s work explores how Yu questions the very existence of predisposed artistic practices as she blurs the lines between methodology and ideology. Published to accompany an exhibition of the same name, this catalogue is thoroughly illustrated and features an interview with the artist, while an original essay by Mark. A Cheetham expands on Yu’s artistic practice, choice of materials, and her tendency to seek out aspects of painting beyond the pictorial space. 

Published Year: 2014
Additional Information:

59 pp; softcover
Col. ill; 10 x 9.5 in

Co-published with Éditions Art Mûr, Montreal

Cost: $30.00
This publication is available for purchase in the OAG shop.

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