masc mural project

Community-arts project “The future awaits”

The Ottawa Art Gallery was delighted to host a special display of the community-arts project “The future awaits” created by MASC artist Claudia Salguero in collaboration with MASC intern Edgar Hernandez and grade three and four students (ages 9 to 10) at Viscount Alexander Public School, as part of MASC’s Awesome Arts program.

For the Awesome Arts “Mini Series” (spring 2021), Claudia and Edgar led a guided series of virtual workshops, with art supplies included. Each student worked on individual paintings that Claudia then combined to create a large mural.

In the fall of 2021, the mural was installed in an exterior, public location in Strathcona Heights.

The Awesome Arts ‘Mini Series’ was supported by Neighbourhood Arts Ottawa, a program presented by Arts Network Ottawa and Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Ottawa Community Foundation. MASC is also grateful for funding from the Cajole Inn Foundation.

Funded by:

about the artists

Claudia Salguero is a Colombian-Canadian multidisciplinary artist who believes in art as a tool for a better society. Working in collaboration with different social institutions, she has created more than 40 community murals in Ottawa since 2014. Her murals are created with the participation of people from all backgrounds and corners of the city.

Artist’s Statement:
We travel together through time and space creating our own history. Hope, endurance, beauty and freedom are represented in this intrepid butterfly leading us towards the future with determination consciousness and grace. These are some of the energy forces that guide us in our journey as human beings. We are one. We are all connected. Through our awareness of this unity, we create limitless possibilities for generations to come.      -Claudia Salguero

Edgar Hernandez is a media artist based in Ottawa. An Aguacateco-speaking Mayan from Guatemala, he works in sculpture, film, media projection, and digital technologies in order to ask difficult questions related to habitat renewal, conservation and restoration. He is an active community volunteer and a member of the Eagle and Condor collective.

MASC is an Ottawa-based community arts organization that brings the arts and culture alive for over 120,000 children, youth, teachers, and seniors each year. MASC’s Awesome Arts program allows participants of all ages to explore issues important to their community through the arts.

Claudia Salguero, Edgar Hernandez, and students from Viscount Alexander Public School. The future awaits (2021), mixed media installation.

OAG is open from 10 AM to 6 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday | from 10 AM to 9 PM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Admission is always FREE. PA Day and Summer Art Camp Registration Now Open!