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Red Initiation [Initiation rouge]

Kenneth Lochhead

Date de naissance 1926
Lieu de naissance Ottawa, Ontario
Date du décès 2006
Lieu du décès Ottawa, Ontario

While working as the Director of the School of Art at the University of Saskatchewan in Regina, painter Ken Lochhead initiated the important Emma Lake Workshops in 1955, to which renowned figures from the American Abstract Expressionists movement came to teach. He was also a member of the Regina Five, an important group of avant-garde abstract artists who exhibited at the National Gallery of Canada in 1961. Though he had largely turned to more referential subject matter in his work by the 1970s, this work, part of his spray painting series, speaks to his earlier decades of working in abstraction. Lochhead was born in Ottawa, and returned here to stay in 1975 when he took up a teaching position at the University of Ottawa.

Technique acrylique sur toile
DATE 1974
DIMENSIONS 234,6cm x 182,9cm x 3,8cm
Numéro d'acquisition 1994.01.01
Détails Collection de la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa : don de Merrill Lochhead, 1991
Description du catalogue
Vague abstraite peinte en doux tons pastel.

La GAO est ouverte de 10 h à 18 h le mardi, mercredi et dimanche, et ferme à 21 h le jeudi, vendredi et samedi. L’entrée à la GAO est toujours GRATUITE. Camp artistique du congé de mars !