Riot 3 (Am I my Brother's Keeper?)

Ghitta Caiserman

BIRTH PLACE Montreal, Quebec
DEATH PLACE Montreal, Quebec
MEDIUM Etching and aquatint on paper
DATE ca. 1967-1969
DIMENSIONS 38.7cm x 38.7cm
CREDIT LINE Collection of the Ottawa Art Gallery: gift of Kathe Roth, 2016.
A square etching printed in black ink. The top third of the image depicts a series of six faces in different positions, five of them with hands across the face in various poses: clasped in front, across the mouth, resting against the cheek etc. Across the middle of the image there are three segments. From left to right there are: two sets of coupled figures. In each pair, one figure holds the other who is collapsed (overlaid with horizontal bars of varying thickness), and a series of numbers arranged in three rows (126: 698: 891). At the bottom of the image is a partial bible verse in cursive writing: "and the lord said unto Cain where is Abel my Brother? and he said I know not am I my Brothers keeper? and he said w"

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