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Expanded Landscapes learning module

A focus on the group of seven and climate change

L.L. Fitzgerald, Prairie Homestead, 1925, oil on canvas, 27 x 34.1 cm. Firestone Collection of Canadian Art, Ottawa Art Gallery

Expanded Landscapes provides middle school teachers with a curriculum-linked learning module that focuses on the Group of Seven and climate change. Students will explore this important group of Canadian artists while also reflecting on climate change and potential solutions to the climate crisis. 

In the workshop portion of the module, students will examine famous artworks by the Group and imagine scenes beyond the confines of the canvasses. While thinking about climate change and experimenting with perspective and colour, students will create an expanded landscape and add their own point of view to these iconic works of art. 

In the downloadable document, you will find information about the Group of Seven, a materials list, a step-by-step instructional video to guide you through the workshop, and questions for further reflection on the topics of art and climate change.

Download Expanded Landscapes: A Learning Module

watch the instructional video


Banner Image: Franklin Carmichael, The Nickel Belt, 1928, oil on canvas, 101.8 x 122 cm. Firestone Collection of Canadian Art, Ottawa Art Gallery.

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