Catherine Richards: Excitable Tissues

Texts by Frances Dyson, N. Katherine Hayles and Dot Tuer

Through a rigorous application of scientific investigation such as observable phenomena and experimental proof, Catherine Richard’s patented inventions explore the memories and subjectivity of the viewer. Richard's most recent interactive installations, unique quasi-objects that draw on both Renaissance curiosity cabinets and virtual reality environments, were the subject of a symposium whose presentations are printed here for the first time. Catherine Richards, Frances Dyson, N. Katherine Hayles and Dot Tuer, explore Richard's practice as a new media artist rooted in the investigation of the body within the promise and the threat of new technology. 

Published Year: 2003
Additional Information:

114 pp; hardcover
38 ill (8 col.); 11 x 8 in

This publication is no longer in print, but please contact us for reference access.

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