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Jobena Petonoquot: Rebellion of my Ancestors | Nid Ànike-mishòmisibaneg Od-Àbimìtàgewiniwà

Curators: Rebecca Basciano, OAG; Lori Beavis, Guest Curator, Executive Director, Centre d’art daphne

This exhibition brochure is a companion to the exhibition Jobena Petonoquot: Rebellion of my Ancestors | Nid Ànike-mishòmisibaneg Od-Àbimìtàgewiniwà on view at the Ottawa Art Gallery from March 26, 2022 to August 14, 2022.

Published Year: 2022
Additional Information:

54 pp; digital
Bilingual, in English and French

Download here

OAG is open from 10 AM to 6 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday | from 10 AM to 9 PM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Admission is always FREE. Register for March Break Art Camp!