Sylvain Cousineau: Coq-à-l'âne 

Text by François Dion


This publication derives from the first retrospective exhibition of Sylvain Cousineau's photographic work held at the Ottawa Art Gallery in 2004. Though known for his assemblages and paintings, Cousineau's photographic work, dating from as early as 1969, interprets a place between the subjective experience of the image and its objective reality. With an essay by curator François Dion, this fully illustrated catalogue explores how Cousineau’s photographs contain ironic contradictory references and semantic play, ranging from urban theatrical montages to regional portraits of text and image. 

Published Year: 2004 
Additional Information:

40 pp; softcover
28 ill.; 8.25 x 10 in

Cost: $15.00
This publication is available for purchase in the OAG shop.

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