sanctuary matters learning series 2019-2020
Sanctuary Matters is a public learning series co-presented by the Ottawa Art Gallery (OAG) and the Ottawa Sanctuary City Network (OSCN).
Recognizing the need for social action and political change amid a global crisis of human displacement, OAG and OSCN are collaborating to present a program of talks, workshops, and other events with an aim to build public awareness and foster a culture of support for newcomers with precarious immigration status in Ottawa and beyond. Sanctuary Matters is funded in part by a grant from the Ottawa Community Foundation.
The Hottest August: Film Screening | June 8, 2022

The Hottest August: A film about climate change, disguised as a portrait of collective anxiety.
On Wednesday June 8 from 7 to 9 pm in the OAG Alma Duncan Salon, the Ottawa Art Gallery in a partnership with the Ottawa Sanctuary City Network (OSCN) presents an award-winning film by Brett Story, The Hottest August. A portrait of New York City during August 2017, the film depicts a month heavy with the tension of a new President, growing anxiety over everything from rising rents to marching white nationalists, and unrelenting news of either wildfires or hurricanes on every coast. The film offers a mirror onto a society on the verge of catastrophe, registering the anxieties, distractions, and survival strategies that preoccupy ordinary lives.
Dr. Angela Joya: March 11, 2020

On March 11, 2020, Dr. Angela Joya presented a talk entitled, The Global Migrant Crisis: Climate Catastrophe, Globalization and the Securitization of Borders.
Undeniably one of the most pressing issues of our time, the migrant crisis demands attention from policy makers and citizens alike. The response to the crisis will shape the circumstances of lives of millions. An open discussion followed the talk.
Angela Joya is an Adjunct Research Professor at the Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University. Her forthcoming book is The Roots of Revolt: A Political Economy of Egypt from Nasser to Mubarak (Cambridge University Press). Her current research project explores grass roots responses to failures of development strategies in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria.
Sanctuary Matters is funded in part by a grant from the Ottawa Community Foundation.
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