Madeline Richards, Neeko Paluzzi, Maxime Boisvert-Huneault, Antoine O’Donoughue and Joel Secter
Le rendu features the work of five University of Ottawa Master of Fine Arts (MFA) graduates who expanded their practice over the two years of their program and ultimately flourished. The works presented here are a testament to the rigorous artistic practice of Madeline Richards, Neeko Paluzzi, Maxime Boisvert-Huneault, Antoine O’Donoughue and Joel Secter in the creative “laboratories” of their studio space. Here, we celebrate the achievements of these artists and welcome dialogue, exchange, and curiosity when viewing their work.
The group title Le rendu—“the rendering”— was selected by the artists and holds multiple meanings. In this exhibition, the word render and its possible definitions are a lens through which to view the artworks. To render could mean to express in form, to cause or to become, to interpret, to pass down, or to give back. Thematically, the artworks in this exhibition are united by the artists’ exploration of critical artistic subjectivity and active interpretations of traditional methods of representation. The artists test the possibilities of their subject matter through diverse media and apply theoretical, historical, and personal frameworks to achieve works with layered narratives.
Le rendu is a collaborative exhibition, where curators and artists worked together to build an experience that best reflects not only the rigour of each artist’s distinct practice, but also the warm relationship they share.
The Ottawa Art Gallery would like to recognize RBC Foundation’s support of the OAG’s Connect: Artist Mentorship Program, and the would also like to acknowledge the support of the City of Ottawa, the Ontario Arts Council, and the Canada Council for the Arts.
Curators: Stephanie Corbo (University of Ottawa) and Rachelle Dickenson, PhD (OAG)
Editors: Lucy Trew, Véronique Couillard
Exhibition design: Leah Ross
Technical team: Jennifer Gilliland, Dan Austin, Mark Garland, Ryan Forget, Neil Hossack
Image: Madeline Richards, Butterfly 2 (on grief), 2022, oil on canvas, 147 x 193 cm. Photo: Richard-Max Tremblay
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50 Mackenzie King Bridge, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 0C5, CANADA
Mailing Address: 10 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1N 6E2 | Rideau O-Train Station
OAG is open from 10 AM to 6 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday | from 10 AM to 9 PM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Admission is always FREE. PA Day and Summer Art Camp Registration Now Open!