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Celebrating Diversity in the Arts: Visual Storytelling Workshop

September 3, 2020

Jewish Family Services (JFS) of Ottawa is partnering with the Ottawa Art Gallery (OAG) and artist Rachel Kalpana James to present a virtual visual storytelling workshop for JFS seniors. JFS seniors will have the opportunity to tell their story by creating, collecting and assembling a series of images and mementos into a visual journal. Creative exercises encourage participants to discover their own visual style through exploration of colour, composition, and mixed media techniques. Interactive interviews and group discussions help participants connect with important issues or interests for their storytelling. The OAG will offer participants an exclusive virtual art tour, as well as a platform for those who wish to present their visual journals.

Tuesdays and Thursdays
Start: September 15, 2020
End: November 10, 2020

For more information
Safia Nawaz

Rachel Kalpana James is an Ottawa-based artist and educator. Her art practice in installation and performance seeks to reimagine and re-present marginalized histories to explore identity and belonging in contemporary society. Rachel has taught workshops at Algonquin College, Élisabeth Bruyère Residence and at the Ottawa Art Gallery.


OAG is Open from 10 AM to 6 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday | from 10 AM to 9 PM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Admission is always FREE.