On February 24th, Ottawa City Council voted to change the name of Sandy Hill Park to Annie Pootoogook Park at 250 Somerset St. East.
OAG Director and CEO Alexandra Badzak presented a speech to committee members in support of the renaming.
“Annie Pootoogook was remarkably prolific producing over a 1000 drawings that changed the way we, from the south, viewed Inuit culture not as fixed in time and tradition but rather a complex mixture of traditional ways of knowing and living with the sometimes stark realities of modern life within a rapidly changing consumer culture.”
Thank you to Sandy Hill resident Stéphanie Plante and Councillor Mathieu Fleury for their efforts in making this happen.
50 Mackenzie King Bridge, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 0C5, CANADA
Mailing Address: 10 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1N 6E2 | Rideau O-Train Station
OAG is open from 10 AM to 6 PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday | from 10 AM to 9 PM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Admission is always FREE. PA Day and Summer Art Camp Registration Now Open!